Friday, May 18, 2012

Advice for all students of traditional karate

 From Hidetaka Nishiyama

"First, understand that our karate is very valuable. For hundreds of years, many people have been seeking perfection of technique, and this continues today. However, please study not the wide but the deep. Even if it is only one technique, study it very deeply. The point is to generate a lot of power with less movement. Then le...
arn to destroy the opponent with little or no movement. At the next level, there is no physical movement, only mental. Just like Ueshiba, you can destroy the opponent.

"In the final stage, there is no need to destroy the opponent. When the movement is about to start, stop it. Finally, it will look like there is no movement. This is our approach: winning without fighting. This is the budo ideal. In a normal fight, the strong side wins and the weak loses. But in budo, to lose means to die. You can’t lose. How? Don’t fight."

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